Close Encounters


Appendices and Bibliography

Ackley 1981
C.S. Ackley, Printmaking in the Age of Rembrandt, Boston, Mass. (Museum of Fine Arts Boston) 1981 [exh. also in Saint Louis Art Museum, St Louis, Mo., 1980-1981]

Aspital 1980
A.W. Aspital, Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College Cambridge, vol. III, Prints and Drawings, pt. i, General, Totowa (N.J.) 1980

Aubrey/Barber 1982
J. Aubrey (ed. R. Barber), Brief Lives. A modern English version, Woodbridge 1982 [1st edn. 1975]

Baglione 1649
G. Baglione, Le vite de pittori scultori et architetti: dal pontificato di Gregorio XIII [1572], fino à tutto quello d'Urbano Ottavo [1642]: le quali seguitano le vite, che fece Giorgio Vasari, Rome 1649 (2nd edn.; 1st edn. 1642)

Bergvelt 2018
E. Bergvelt, ‘The Paston Treasure and its continental inspiration’, in: Moore et al. 2018, p. 94-101

Bergvelt/Jonker 2021
E. Bergvelt, M. Jonker, Catalogue of Dulwich Picture Gallery. Dutch, Flemish and German Schools, with addenda to the British School (2 vols.), RKD Study, published online on 18 March 2021:
Dulwich Picture Gallery I
Dulwich Picture Gallery II

Bergvelt/Kistemaker 1992
E. Bergvelt, R. Kistemakers (eds.), De wereld binnen handbereik. Nederlandse kunst- en rariteitenverzamelingen, 1585-1735 [Essays], Zwolle/Amsterdam 1992

Bignamini 1991
I. Bignamini, ‘The artist’s model from Lely to Hogarth’, in: I. Bignamini and M. Postle, The Artist’s model. Its role in British Art from Lely to Etty, Nottingham (University Gallery) 1991 [exh. also at the Iveagh Bequest, Kenwood, London, 1991], p. 8-15

Blankert 1997
A. Blankert et al., Rembrandt. A genius and his impact, Melbourne (National Gallery of Victoria)/Sydney/Zwolle 1997 [exh. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 1997–98]

Boswell 1929
E. Boswell, ‘Young Mr Cartwright’, The Modern Language Review 244/2 (April 1929), p. 125-142

Brakensiek 2003
S. Brakensiek, Vom ‘Theatrum mundi’ zum ‘Cabinet des Estampes’. Das Sammeln von Druckgraphik in Deutschland 1565-1821, Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 2003

Dekker 2013
R. Dekker, Family, culture and society in the diary of Constantijn Huygens Jr, secretary to Stadholder-King William of Orange, Leiden/Boston 2013 (Egodocuments and History Series, 5)

Dethloff 2016
D. Dethloff, ‘Lely, drawing, and the training of artists’, in: Hallett et al. 2016, p. 291-312

Evelyn 1662
J. Evelyn, Sculptura, or, The history and art of chalcography and engraving in copper with an ample enumeration of the most renowned masters and their works: to which is annexed a new manner of engraving, or mezzo tinto, communicated by His Highness Prince Rupert to the authour of this treatise, London 1662

Evelyn/De Beer 1955
E.S. de Beer (ed.), The diary of John Evelyn (6 vols.), Oxford 1955

Ferdinand 2022
C. Ferdinand, ‘Thomas Betterton’s book-trade apprenticeship and the amazing careers of his two masters, John Holden and John Rhodes, with some notes on the actor’s library’, The Library 23/4 (December 2022), p. 435-457,

Van Gelder/Jost 1985
J. G. van Gelder, I. Jost (ed. K. Andrews), Jan de Bisschop and his Icones & Paradigmata. Classical antiquities and Italian drawings for artistic instruction in seventeenth century Holland (2 vols.), Doornspijk 1985

Gibson-Wood 1997
C. Gibson-Wood, ‘Classification and value in a seventeenth-century museum. William Courten’s collection’, Journal of the History of Collections 9 (1997), p. 61-77

Griffiths 1996A
A. Griffiths (ed.), Landmarks in print collecting. Connoisseurs and donors at the British Museum since 1753, London/Houston 1996 [exh. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas/ Huntington Art Collections, San Marino, California/The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland/The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1996-1997]

Hallett et al. 2016
M. Hallett et al. (eds.), Court, country, city: essays on British art and architecture, 1660-1735, New Haven/London 2016 (Studies in British Art, 24)

Heijbroek 1984-1985
J. F. Heijbroek, ‘Twee tekeningen van Salomon de Bray?’, De Boekenwereld 1 (1984-1985), p. 22-23

Heywood 1612
T. Heywood, An apology for actors. Containing three briefe treatises. 1. Their antiquity. 2. Their ancient dignity. 3. The true use of their quality, London 1612

Heywood 1658
T. Heywood, The actors vindication containing three brief treatises, viz., I. Their antiquity, II. Their antient dignity, III. The true use of their quality, [London] printed by G. E. for W. C. [William Cartwright] [1658], Dulwich College Archive, no. 1886/1333

Heywood 1841
T. Heywood, An Apology for actors. In three books. […]. From the edition of 1612, compared with that of W. Cartwright [of 1658]. With an introduction and notes [by J. P. Collier], combined in one volume with S. Gosson, The School of Abuse, 1579, London 1841

Honigmann/Brock 2015
E. A. J. Honigmann, S. Brock, Playhouse wills 1558-1642. An edition of wills by Shakespeare and his contemporaries in the London theatre, Manchester 2015 (1st edn. 1993)

Hooke/Roberts 1710/2013
J. Hooke (ed. D. Roberts), Pinacotheca bettertonæana. The library of a seventeenth-century actor, London 2013

Hooke/Robinson/Adams 1935
H.W. Robinson, W. Adams (eds.), The Diary of Robert Hooke, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. 1672-1680. Transcribed from the original in the possession of the Corporation of the City of London (Guildhall Library), London 1935

Hotson 1928
J.L. Hotson, The Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, Oxford/London 1928

Hulton 1980
P.H. Hulton, ‘Introduction’, in: Aspital 1980, p. xiii-xix

Ingamells 2008
J. Ingamells, Dulwich Picture Gallery. British, London 2008

De Jongh/Luijten 1997
E. de Jongh, G. Luijten, Mirror of everyday life. Genreprints in the Netherlands 1550-1700, Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 1997

Jonker/Bergvelt 2016
M. Jonker, E. Bergvelt, Dutch and Flemish Paintings. Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 2016

Kalinsky/Waterfield 1987
N. Kalinsky, G. Waterfield et al., Mr. Cartwright’s Pictures. A seventeenth century collection, London 1987 (Dulwich Picture Gallery 1987-88)

Karst 2013-2014
S. Karst, ‘Off to a new Cockaigne: Dutch migrant artists in London, 1660-1715’, Simiolus 37/1 (2013-2014), p. 25–60

Karst 2021
S. Karst, Schilderen in een land zonder schilders. De Nederlandse bijdrage aan de opkomst van de Britse schilderschool, 1520-1720, [s.l.] 2021 (PhD, University of Utrecht)

Van Mander 1604
K. van Mander, Het schilder-boeck waer in voor eerst de leerlustighe iueght den grondt der edel vry schilderconst in verscheyden deelen wort voorghedraghen [...]. Het leven der doorluchtighe Nederlandtsche/en Hooghduytsche schilders [...]. Wtlegghingh op den metamorphosis, pub. Ouidij Nasonis [...], Haarlem/Alkmaar 1604

De Marolles 1666
M. de Marolles, Catalogue de livres d'estampes et de figures en taille douce, avec un dénombrement des pieces qui y sont contenuës. Fait à Paris en l'année 1666, Paris 1666

De Marolles 1672
M. de Marolles, Catalogue de livres d'estampes et de figures en taille-douce, avec un denombrement des pieces qui y sont contenuës. Fait à Paris en l'année 1672, Paris 1672

Meyer 2018
V. Meyer, ‘Florent Le Comte et la gravure’, Nouvelles de l’estampe no. 261 (2018), p. 44-62

Moore et al. 2018
A. Moore, N. Flis, F. Vanke (eds.), The Paston Treasure. Microcosm of the known world, New Haven (Yale Center for British Art) 2018 [exh. also at Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery]

Pepys/Wheatley 1904
H.B. Wheatley (ed.), The diary of Samuel Pepys, M.A., F.R.S.; Clerk of the Acts and Secretary to the Admiralty (10 vols.), London 1904

Reid/Maniura 1994
A. Reid, R. Maniura (eds.), Edward Alleyn. Elizabethan actor, Jacobean gentleman, London 1994 (Dulwich Picture Gallery 1994-95)

Ridolfi 1648
C. Ridolfi, Le maraviglie dell'arte, overo Le vite de gl'illustri pittori veneti, e dello stato. Ove sono raccolte le opere insigni, i costumi, e i rittratti loro. Con la narratione delle historie, delle favole, e delle moralità da quelli dipinte (2 pts. in 1 vol.), Venice 1648

Robinson 1981
W.W. Robinson, ‘“This Passion for Prints”: collecting and connoisseurship in Northern Europe during the seventeenth century’, in: Ackley 1981, p. xxvii–xlviii

Roethlisberger/Bok 1993
M. Roethlisberger, M.J. Bok, Abraham Bloemaert and his sons: paintings and prints (2 vols.), Doornspijk 1993

Schillemans 1987
R. Schillemans, ‘Gabriel Bucelinus and “The names of the most distinguished European painters”’, Hoogsteder-Naumann Mercury (1987), no. 6, p. 25-37

Scholz 1985
H. Scholz, Brouwer invenit: druckgraphische Reproduktionen des 17.-19. Jahrhunderts nach Gemälden und Zeichnungen Adriaen Brouwers, Marburg 1985

Stainton 1987
L. Stainton, ‘A seventeenth century album’, in: Kalinsky/Waterfield 1987, p. 14-15

Strauss/Van der Meulen 1979
W. L. Strauss, M. van der Meulen, The Rembrandt documents, New York 1979

Vasari 1550
G. Vasari, Le vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani da Cimabue insino a' tempi nostri/descritte in lingua toscana da Giorgio Vasari, pittore aretino; con vna sua vtile & necessaria introduzzione a le arti loro, Florence 1550

Vasari/Manolessi 1648-1663
G. Vasari (ed. C. Manolessi), Delle vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, et architetti (3 vols.), Bologna 1648-63 (1st edn. 1550)

Van der Veen 1992
J. van der Veen, ‘Liefhebbers, handelaren en kunstenaars. Het verzamelen van schilderijen en papierkunst’, in: Bergvelt/Kistemaker 1992, p. 117-34, 298-300

Van der Veen 1992A
J. van der Veen, ‘“Dit klain Vertrek bevat een Weereld vol gewoel”. Negentig Amsterdammers en hun kabinetten’, in: Bergvelt/Kistemaker 1992, p. 232-258, 307-309, 313-334

Van der Waals 1984
J. van der Waals, ‘The Print Collection of Samuel Pepys’, Print Quarterly 1 (1984), p. 236-257

Van der Waals 1984A
J. van der Waals, review of A. W. Aspital, Catalogue of the Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, vol. 3, pt. 1: Prints and drawings (general), Woodbridge/Totowa, N. J. 1980, Simiolus 14 (1984), p. 143-147

Van de Wetering 1997
E. van de Wetering, ‘The Miracle of Our Age: Rembrandt through the eyes of his contemporaries’, in: Blankert 1997, p. 58–68

Young 1889
W. Young, A History of Dulwich College (2 vols.), London 1889

Zelen 2022
J. Zelen, Blinded by curiosity. The collector-dealer Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716) and his radical approach to the printed image, Leiden 2022

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